The current version of the Þ spec is about to be deprecated. Learn more about v0.3, arriving 28th February 2023.Learn more

Using Blocks

Block Protocol blocks are available in a number of embedding environments.

Now available


HASH is a block-based knowledge management, business intelligence and tool-building application.


The Block Protocol for Wordpress plugin adds support for Þ blocks within the existing WordPress Gutenberg editor. It is currently available for early access testing, and will become generally available at the end of February 2023 alongside version 0.3 of the Block Protocol specification.

Coming soon

GitHub Blocks

We are in the early stages of building out support for Block Protocol blocks in GitHub. Blocks are currently only available in GitHub as part of the GitHub Next early release program, but ultimately this should allow blocks you develop in accordance with the Block Protocol spec to be used within GitHub markdown READMEs interactively, and elsewhere on


We are planning support for Block Protocol blocks in both Figma and Figjam. Development has not yet begun. If you are interested in getting involved, please let us know on our Discord.

Other environments

Support for additional embedding environments will arrive throughout 2023.

If you're looking to implement support for the Block Protocol in another application or framework that you'd like to see mentioned here, read more about embedding blocks and feel free to reach out to us.