Early access

WordPress Plugin

Block Protocol blocks work across all Þ supporting applications ...now including WordPress, powering 43% of the web

Why install the Block Protocol plugin?

Do more with a supercharged WordPress...

Access an open, growing ecosystem of high-quality blocks

Expand the number of blocks available for use within WordPress and gain access to new capabilities. New Þ blocks appear automatically in WordPress

Structured data made easier than unstructured ...a benefit not a chore

Quickly capture information in a typed fashion, and import structured data such as maps, weather, flight info, product reviews, and media details into your own WordPress database

Find new blocks at the point of need

Discover and use new blocks when you actually need them, directly from within the WordPress editor, and avoid needing to install block plugins ever again. A one-time install of the Þ plugin provides instant access to new and updated blocks as soon as they’re published

More powerful blocks including OpenAI-powered blocks

Directly access powerful third-party tools such as those from Mapbox and OpenAI without needing to sign up for your own account with dozens of different services or install any additional WordPress plugins-the Þ abstracts away the need to interface with different providers

Get early access to the WordPress Plugin

Why develop Block Protocol blocks?

Developing Þ blocks has a number of benefits...

Build blocks once and use them anywhere

Use your block within any Þ app with no extra work on your part

Types, tools and APIs to build great blocks

Build more complex, capable blocks with a rich suite of utilities

An easy developer experience

Bring your preferred tech and leave the PHP at home

General Availability

The 0.3 spec and
plugin ship on the 28th February 2023

The Þ WordPress plugin will be launched alongside version 0.3 of the Þ specification, our largest-ever update that builds on almost a year of community consultation and block development.

Our Þ 0.3 update includes:

  • A major overhaul of the Core and Graph Service specifications

  • A more composable and powerful type system

  • The ability to attach metadata to links between entities

If you’d like to receive early access to the Þ WordPress plugin... we’re now onboarding beta testers. Enter your email address below and we’ll reach out.

Or, if you’re thinking about building a block… we recommend waiting for Þ 0.3. Enter your email and we’ll let you know when its ready.

Request another application

Where would you like to use the Þ next?

Now in beta



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